Calvary Torch Mission
Calvary Torch Missions
Partners with
Women Infant and Children Protection Foundation
The biblical law states when a woman menstruates she is unclean for seven days (Leviticus15 -9-24 NKJ). Jesus came and released us from the Law and declared that we are no longer under the Law but under Grace. It was Grace that healed the “woman with the issue of blood”( Mark5: 24- 34, NJK) through her faith, so be happy to continue to enjoy the monthly periods that God has ordained for us and be free during that time by His Grace.
Menstruation is a normal biological process which is key in maintaining the reproduction health of a woman. Unfortunately talking about menstruation is a taboo in most societies, and this contributes to the ignorance and illiteracy on menstrual hygiene management.
Using old clothes and other traditional unsafe methods to deal with menstruation hampers mobility and day to day activity of women. Above all it exposes them to infection ranging from rashes in the genitals, urinary tract infection, Reproductive Tract Infections (RTI).
It has been proven that the proper use of sanitary packs /pads, can reduce the infection rate by about 97%.
Do you know?
That around 23 million girls drop out of school every year during their periods from fear of staining and embarrassment.
They lack the awareness and access to affordable sanitary pads for their monthly periods /menstrual cycle
How Can You Help?
Partner with us in our drive to “Support a Girl for a Healthy Period”
Donate $20 (Twenty Dollars)
for a year supply of sanitary Pad for a high school girl in Imo State, Nigeria.
God bless you as you give